• Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?

    From Prowler@VERT/PROWLER to Nightfox on Mon Jul 29 09:03:03 2024
    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Fri Jun 07 2024 03:27 pm

    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: Gamgee to fusion on Fri Jun 07 2024 01:34 pm

    I never got aboard the OS/2 train. Straight from DOS to Win, and eventually Linux.

    I went from DOS to Windows too, but in 1996 I experimented a bit with OS/2 because I was curious about it. I could definitely see how it would have been nice to run a BBS in OS/2 (even a DOS BBS). I had also played a bit with Ray Gwinn's SIO drivers, which allowed telnet access to a virtual serial port.. I tried setting up a copy of RemoteAccess (BBS software for DOS) with those SIO drivers and was impressed that I could successfully telnet into it. I also looked into an OS/2-native BBS package that I thought looked interesting (AdeptXBBS) but never actually used it to run a BBS.

    By that time though, Windows was the main OS I was using, and OS/2 was on its way out, with not much software being made for it.


    Your post really resonated with me. I really had big hopes for OS/2. While serving in the Navy we used Windows NT Server and Workstation primarily but OS/2 Warp made it's way into our internal network for managing building security (badging, door sensors, alarms). I wanted to run BBS's on OS/2 but ended up using Windows instead. It's so nice now to have so many options all the way from CP/M and DOS all the way to Raspian, Debian, and some really cool distros. I've even got Mint installed on a spare laptop which is pretty decent and gives Ubuntu a run for it's money from a desktop perspective.

    Prowler (Tom)

    þ Synchronet þ The PipeLine BBS - Coming to you from beautiful Loveland, Colorado!
  • From Prowler@VERT/PROWLER to Accession on Mon Jul 29 09:06:12 2024
    Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: Accession to Nightfox on Fri Jun 07 2024 06:54 pm

    On Thu, 6 Jun 2024 23:52:10 -0700, you wrote:

    I may give CentOS a try one of these days as I've always heard great
    things about it, but my servers will most likely always run Arch.

    Considering CentOS is being end-of-lifed soon (as of June 30), there probably isn't much point in trying it now.

    CentOS 8's EOL is soon. CentOS 9 has just begun. :)


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    I ran CentOS for a long time in a datacenter environment for headless servers. It was really just an alternative to RHEL at the time and I never regretted it from a security and ease-of-use standpoint. It's been a few years now since I've used it, but I'll have to check out 9.

    Prowler (Tom)

    þ Synchronet þ The PipeLine BBS - Coming to you from beautiful Loveland, Colorado!
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Prowler on Mon Jul 29 09:34:30 2024
    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: Prowler to Nightfox on Mon Jul 29 2024 09:03 am

    Your post really resonated with me. I really had big hopes for OS/2. While serving in the Navy we used Windows NT Server and Workstation primarily but OS/2 Warp made it's way into our internal network for managing building security (badging, door sensors, alarms). I wanted to

    That's cool that there was some use of OS/2 there.

    run BBS's on OS/2 but ended up using Windows instead. It's so nice now to have so many options all the way from CP/M and DOS all the way to Raspian, Debian, and some really cool distros. I've even got Mint installed on a spare laptop which is pretty decent and gives Ubuntu a run for it's money from a desktop perspective.

    Yeah, I like the options we have today. And although I think it would have been nice to see things like OS/2 and Amiga continue on, we can at least run those through emulation and virtual machines.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Prowler on Mon Jul 29 09:48:56 2024
    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: Prowler to Nightfox on Mon Jul 29 2024 09:03 am

    I never got aboard the OS/2 train. Straight from DOS to Win, and
    eventually Linux.

    I was all-in for quite some time. Worked with OS/2 1.2 and 1.3 in a IBM AS/400 and Lan Manager environment, then 2.0, then Warp 3 working with Netware - and then Windows NT 3.51 came out and it just *worked*.

    Ran the BBS under OS/2 Warp 3 for a couple of years, loved that I could have a mailer, busy BBS and all the utilities running in an OS/2 console in the background of my desktop and not even notice it was there.

    þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to poindexter FORTRAN on Mon Jul 29 13:51:51 2024
    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Prowler on Mon Jul 29 2024 09:48 am

    I was all-in for quite some time. Worked with OS/2 1.2 and 1.3 in a IBM AS/400 and Lan Manager environment, then 2.0, then Warp 3 working with Netware - and then Windows NT 3.51 came out and it just *worked*.

    Ran the BBS under OS/2 Warp 3 for a couple of years, loved that I could have a mailer, busy BBS and all the utilities running in an OS/2 console in the background of my desktop and not even notice it was there.

    I feel like I may have missed the heyday of OS/2, which seems to have been the early 90s. My first computer, in 1992, was a hand-me-down 286 and I wasn't old enough to get a job yet - and I didn't get my first job until 1996, so in the meantime I don't think I had a PC that was really up to running OS/2. Before I got my first job and bought my own parts for a new PC, the fastest PC I had was a 386DX-40, which I think could have ran OS/2, but I don't think I had enough RAM (I think I had 4MB max at the time) and maybe not enough hard drive space either.

    Around 1994 or 1995, I bought a used copy of OS/2 Warp 3 at a used software store in my area (before they closed, I think due to legal reasons), and it was on floppies, and many of the floppies were bad.. Later (1996 or 1997), I bought a new sealed copy of OS/2 Warp 4 from my local Egghead Software (and I wondered if spending the $120 on it would be worth it), and I had my PC in a dual-boot setup with that and Windows for a little while. I think one of the things I tried that I thought was really cool was using Ray Gwinn's SIO driver for OS/2 to make my DOS-based RemoteAccess telnettable. But I only did that as an experiment; I continued running my DOS BBS in DOS/Desqview (and later Windows).


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to Nightfox on Tue Jul 30 06:41:40 2024
    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops operating on *NIX, what's your flavor?
    By: Nightfox to poindexter FORTRAN on Mon Jul 29 2024 01:51 pm

    386DX-40, which I think could have r
    OS/2, but I don't think I had enough
    RAM (I think I had 4MB max at the ti

    I also only had shit hardware when OS/2
    was a thing.. but, there was a stripped
    down (non-legit) CLI-only versin of
    OS/2 Warp 3.x that I ran on my 386 with
    1mb of RAM. It was basically like
    DOS without the 640k barrier, and it
    was quite good and fast. The only
    reason I ended up going back to DOS
    6.22 is that a lot of/most demos always
    checked for EMM386 to run, which
    obviously wasn't there because it
    didn't need to be. Anyway, I wish I
    could find that version/copy of OS/2
    Warp again. Pretty sure it fit on just
    three 3.5" floppies. I might've
    mentioned it on this message net

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io