• Re: For you SBBS Sysops o

    From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to Nightfox on Mon Jul 1 22:05:00 2024
    Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops o
    By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Sun Jun 30 2024 05:42 pm

    terminal for general looking around at stuff on the computer. Instead of umonitor I like to have gtkmonitor open, as it looks nicer. While I can

    I was using gtkmonitor for a while, but there was a point where I
    updated the code and gtkmonitor failed to build. I asked Digital Man about it, and at the time I think he said gtkmonitor wasn't being
    updated very often, so I started using umonitor instead.

    That has happened here too (gtkmonitor fail to build after an update).
    When it happens I go to the gtkmonitor directory in ../src/sbbs3 and
    build it again there, and it has worked. I should probably switch to
    umonitor as well though, as everything else I'm doing is non-GUI.

    The cool thing about all this discussion lately is that it doesn't much matter which *distro* you want to use, in the end, the operation on Linux is nearly identical other than cosmetics. :-)

    Yep :)

    Linux helps people get along! ;-)

    ... Gee! How'd you ever get it to do THAT?
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Amessyroom@VERT/TL-QWK to Nightfox on Mon Jul 1 22:08:16 2024
    Re: Re: For you SBBS Sysops o
    By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Mon Jul 01 2024 10:19 am

    I was using gtkmonitor for a while, but there was a point where I updated the code and gtkmonitor failed to build. I asked Digital Man about it, and at the time I think he said gtkmonitor wasn't being updated very often, so I started using umonitor instead.

    Thanks for mentioning umonitor. I had not read anything about it.

    I got gtkmonitor to work, but I'm running on a VPS so I have tunnel X11 back over SSH which is slow over the internet.

    I keep learning something everyday. Thanks for sharing.

    þ Synchronet þ Too Lazy BBS - Sit back and read and playgames - toolazy.ddns.net:2323 or SSH