• ham radio door for SDR?

    From Jason Arnold@VERT/KC7STW1 to All on Tue Mar 4 05:09:22 2025
    Logn time not having a BBS. The last board I was running I made a door to access a TNC for users to login to other Packet BBS systems. Since packet is dead, or at least in my area.

    Has anyone messed with or though it would be possible to make a door for a SDR?

    I know there are web based systems. Just a thoght for the BBS side of things.

    þ Synchronet þ kc7stw
  • From phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to Jason Arnold on Tue Mar 4 10:42:29 2025
    Re: ham radio door for SDR?
    By: Jason Arnold to All on Tue Mar 04 2025 05:09 am

    Logn time not having a BBS. The last board I was running I made a door to access a TNC for users to login to other Packet BBS systems. Since packet i dead, or at least in my area.

    Do you still have this door? Would love to check it out.

    I think a cool idea would be a BBS-to-APRS door. There are packet nodes near
    me too, though.

    Not sure what else you could do through a BBS. JS8Call, maybe?

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From Bob Worm@VERT/BEEBS2 to phigan on Tue Mar 4 22:10:33 2025
    Re: ham radio door for SDR?
    By: phigan to Jason Arnold on Tue Mar 04 2025 10:42:29

    Hi, Phigan.

    Not sure what else you could do through a BBS. JS8Call, maybe?

    I've thought (more like dreamt) about lashing a BBS to my SDR, though I don't have the time or the expertise to make it happen.

    The ideas I had were:

    1) allow the user to tune around using an ASCII waterfall - I got the ASCII waterfall part working just on the Linux CLI. It would need to be toned down refresh rate-wise but should be somewhat usable.

    2) Given 1) above, enable decodes for RTTY, morse, FT4 / FT8. There are plenty of RTTY weather stations decodable from my loft wire.

    3) Maybe there's something doable with APRS / LoRA / whatever?


    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
  • From phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to Bob Worm on Tue Mar 4 19:14:51 2025
    Re: ham radio door for SDR?
    By: Bob Worm to phigan on Tue Mar 04 2025 10:10 pm

    2) Given 1) above, enable decodes for RTTY, morse, FT4 / FT8. There are plen of RTTY weather stations decodable from my loft wire.

    3) Maybe there's something doable with APRS / LoRA / whatever?

    Yeah, the refresh rate on anything but the fastest terminals or connections would be pretty bad, I would think.

    I like the idea of the RTTY weather and CW decoding. I kinda forget those are a thing still because I don't have an HF antenna up :/.

    An APRS gateway would be pretty cool but only really useful to local people, i would think.. I'd still want to set that up, just cause!

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From Jason Arnold@VERT/KC7STW1 to phigan on Tue Mar 4 22:11:36 2025
    Re: ham radio door for SDR?
    By: phigan to Jason Arnold on Tue Mar 04 2025 10:42 am

    I have all my old BBS files stored on a nas box. I have to see if it will boot up if not I will pull a harddrive and get the files off of it.

    If I remember correctly Duece and someone else helped on getting me started, and then I added to the door. Back then there was not a call sign option on SBBS if I recall so that was added on my board to pass to the door, then the door would take this call sign and send the command to the TNC to change its call to match the user, when the door was cloed it would revert back to my call as the host.

    I was trying to work out a way to get it working from packet into sbbs but I could not figure it out. The main issue was how to get sbbs to respond to the TNC as a modem and send the data across. Buffering, and other issues would need to be added because the TNC does not work as a land line modem.

    I will work on getting the files off. I need to learn how to get my board working as it was, but now on linux since I do not use windows anymore.

    þ Synchronet þ kc7stw
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to Bob Worm on Tue Mar 4 23:30:00 2025
    On 04 Mar 2025, Bob Worm said the following...

    1) allow the user to tune around using an ASCII waterfall - I got the ASCII waterfall part working just on the Linux CLI. It would need to be toned down refresh rate-wise but should be somewhat usable.

    2) Given 1) above, enable decodes for RTTY, morse, FT4 / FT8. There are plenty of RTTY weather stations decodable from my loft wire.

    seems reasonable. setting up 3 or 4 single listener shoutcast servers to allow for seeking around and listening to random frequencies, one per node, also doesn't seem too crazy, if a bit unorthodox ;) depends on the bandwidth of the SDR i guess..

    i've thought about this a little bit.. i don't spend 100% of my time listening to my ham radio and could certainly offer a door that allowed seeking around, with the output to a publicly known shoutcast server whenever i'm not using it. or perhaps to a verified licensed user, an input and a keying button could be offered. or barring that just something you could use yourself from remote.

    lots of cool stuff to come up with :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
  • From Jason Arnold@VERT/KC7STW1 to fusion on Wed Mar 5 23:08:08 2025
    seems reasonable. setting up 3 or 4 single listener shoutcast servers to allow for seeking around and listening to random frequencies, one per node, also doesn't seem too crazy, if a bit unorthodox ;) depends on the bandwidth of the SDR i guess..

    i've thought about this a little bit.. i don't spend 100% of my time listening to my ham radio and could certainly offer a door that allowed seeking around, with the output to a publicly known shoutcast server whenever i'm not using it. or perhaps to a verified licensed user, an input and a keying button could be offered. or barring that just something you could use yourself from remote.

    did rip-script ever pass audio? maybe that is something that could work?

    At this point it would be more work than the use it would get on the BBS. I am going to try and get the packet node working again and see if I can come up with a idea for it. Would be rad to have a back bone to pass qwk messages via packet if the internet went down, that way BBSes can keep the dove net going or even fido. Sure the boards would need to be close or use a digi repeater but with APRS they are all over, so piggy backing on that would be easy.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ kc7stw
  • From Jason Arnold@VERT/KC7STW1 to fusion on Wed Mar 5 23:11:19 2025
    speaking of doors. I just found out the web server part of sbbs you can access doors via the games section. HOLY SHEET! this opens up ham radio ideas....

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ kc7stw
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Jason Arnold on Wed Mar 12 18:59:43 2025
    Re: Re: ham radio door for SDR?
    By: Jason Arnold to fusion on Wed Mar 05 2025 23:08:08

    did rip-script ever pass audio? maybe that is something that could work?

    At this point it would be more work than the use it would get on the BBS. I am going to try and get the packet node working again and see if I can come up with a idea for it. Would be rad to have a back bone to pass qwk messages via packet if the internet went down, that way BBSes can keep the dove net going or even fido. Sure the boards would need to be close or use a digi repeater but with APRS they are all over, so piggy backing on that would be easy.

    The Operation overkill game has audio, Idont believe it streams audio, I really just think ooterm plays audio on the clients side..

    ooterm is included with syncterm. maybe that would be something to look into. ---
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Jason Arnold on Wed Mar 12 19:00:21 2025
    Re: Re: ham radio door for SDR?
    By: Jason Arnold to fusion on Wed Mar 05 2025 23:11:19

    speaking of doors. I just found out the web server part of sbbs you can access doors via the games section. HOLY SHEET! this opens up ham radio ideas....

    Where you been :-)
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Jason Arnold@VERT/KC7STW1 to kk4qbn on Fri Mar 14 04:11:49 2025
    Where you been :-)

    Been hiding under a vintage computer. Need to get things going and into modern times I guess. LOL

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ kc7stw